
July 13

Lunch (@ETH ML)  

Welcome Dinner (@Üetliberg)


The Üetliberg is a mountain in the Swiss plateau, part of the Albis chain, rising to 869 m. The Üetliberg offers a panoramic view of the entire city of Zurich and the Lake of Zurich.

July 14

Lunch (@ETH ML)

Poster Session

Social Event for Dinner (@ETH GEP Pavilion)

July 15

ETH - Robotics Labs Tour

  • Robotics Systems Lab (LEE-J)
  • Vision For Robotics Lab (LEE-H)
  • Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control (ML-K)
  • Robotics and Perception Group (external page UZH)
  • Agile and Dexterous Robotics Lab (HPT-B)

How to reach GEP Pavilion

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